Explore these resources to understand how to apply for Office of Head Start (OHS) notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs). Review guidance around eligibility determination, submitting an application for funding, and what to expect during the review process. Eligible applicants include agencies, institutions, state, local, or tribal governments, and other qualified organizations.
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If you still have a question after reviewing these materials, please contact us at OHSgrants at koniag-gs dot com or (toll-free) 888-242-0684. If you are a parent looking for a program, please use the Head Start Center Locator.
Find available Head Start and Early Head Start funding opportunities and their corresponding grantee profiles and inventories.
Determine if your organization is eligible to submit a competitive application. Learn what it takes to get ready and know the expectations of successful awardees.
Learn how to submit a NOFO application, how it will be evaluated by the Administration for Children and Families, and what to expect after submission.
View responses to FAQs about the Head Start and Early Head Start competitive process and funding opportunities.