Individual provider recognition

Provider recognition 1900x610

To become recognised by AXA Health* you must first check you satisfy our recognition criteria listed below under your selected specialty. You must also agree to our Terms of Recognition, Billing Principles and contractual terms. Our terms of recognition and contractual terms can be found below via the relevant speciality.

If your specialty is not listed, this means we are not currently accepting applications in your area of medicine.

Once you are ready to apply for recognition, please go to the Private Practice Register and confirm you accept our terms by ticking the appropriate box. By doing this, you are also agreeing to the following:

  1. I will inform AXA Health in a timely manner of: (i) any current or proposed disciplinary action by any statutory or other regulatory or governing body or by any employer; or (ii) any modification or withdrawal of admitting privileges at any independent hospital;
  2. I have read and agreed to abide by AXA Health’s terms of recognition, published fees and specialist agreement (including but not limited to the limit on fees). Please chose your specialty below to view your specific terms and conditions;
  3. I understand that failure to comply with paragraphs (1) and (2) above will result in a failure to be recognised by AXA Health or, in the event recognition has been awarded, temporary or permanent withdrawal of recognition by AXA Health for benefit purposes;
  4. I understand that, without prejudice to any other right of revocation and in any event, AXA Health reserves the right to revoke recognition at any time and in its sole discretion;
  5. All the information given in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

*AXA Health is a trading name of AXA PPP healthcare Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 03148119.

If your speciality is not listed, this means that we are not currently accepting applications in your area of medicine.