Graduation Requirements

To be eligible to receive a diploma, each candidate must meet in full the following applications:

Unofficial List of Candidates

Pronunciation of Name

Every effort is made to pronounce graduates’ names as they want them pronounced. If your name is difficult to pronounce or unusual, please contact the Registrar’s Office and give the proper pronunciation.

Absence Policy

Each candidate for a degree is expected to participate in the commencement ceremony. However, if a candidate is unable to participate, written notification must be sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Tuition Rebate

Graduate Students

Graduation Application


To be eligible to receive a diploma, each candidate must meet in full the following applications:

Unofficial List of Candidates

Pronunciation of Name

Every effort is made to pronounce graduates’ names as they want them pronounced. If your name is difficult to pronounce or unusual, please contact the Registrar’s Office and give the proper pronunciation.

Absence Policy

Each candidate for a degree is expected to participate in the commencement ceremony. However, if a candidate is unable to participate, written notification must be sent to the Registrar’s Office.

Graduate Eligibility

Angelo State University has graduation exercises at the end of the fall semester (in December) and at the end of the spring semester (in May). In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, a student must complete an Application for Graduation, have a 2.00 institutional grade point average or greater, and have successfully completed or be registered for all courses required for the degree.

Program and Hometown Newspaper release

Name for Program

Your name will appear in the program exactly as you indicated on your Application for Graduation. Please contact the dean of your College to verify the correct name.

Hometown Newspaper Notification

Generate a personal press release to send to your local media outlet, or share with your friends and family on Facebook and Twitter.

Directory Restrictions

If you have requested a directory restriction on your student records, please be aware that we will not be able to list your name in the commencement program, nor will we be able to notify your hometown newspaper. Neither will we be allowed to release your address to the photographer to send proofs of your graduation picture. Should you choose to lift this restriction, you must immediately contact the Registrar’s Office at 325-942-2043. Even if you do not have directory restrictions, if you do not want your name to appear in the program, newspaper, etc., please come by the Registrar’s Office in Room 200 of the Hardeman Student Services Center.