World-class test prep made accessible for all.

chatting in during a live class

Test prep is a big decision. That's why we offer free SAT and ACT live online classes. In these free overview classes, your students will get deep insights and learn key techniques for understanding and mastering each section. Your students will walk away with strategies to improve their scores, as well as a sense of what our more intensive small group SAT and ACT classes have to offer.

What we’ll cover in your free session:

How to break down questions to understand what is said, how it is said, and why it is said Mastering key concepts in algebra, English, trigonometry and a lot more for both exams The “Top 10 Must-Know” math skills and strategies Tips and tactics to manage their time on test day

Browse Classes Beyond Free

Get the edge you need to unlock scholarships and more college opportunities. Improve your score with our live small group classes or get your money back.

SAT Pencil and Scantron

ACT bubble sheet

All of our paid classes come with a complete study package, including:

act tablet

Mobile App and Test Prep eBooks

Your student can study on the go with our free mobile app—complete with useful learning tools, practice tests, and more. Plus, our included SAT and ACT eBooks (each with 650+ pages) offer deeper dives into tricky concepts and help build confidence before test day.

algebra on LLP

Adaptive Assessment Tool

This revolutionary tool uses advanced AI to give your student a truly personalized learning plan. Basically, it measures their proficiency in each test concept and identifies where they excel and where they should focus.

test prep scantron

Practice Exams

Practice makes perfect. Right? In addition to regular homework, your student will be able to take a series of full practice exams to get a feel for timing and cadence of questions.

On the fence about SAT or ACT prep?

We know that there are many options for students and families to choose from when it comes to test prep, and we think it's important for us to do what we can to help you make that decision. Our free SAT and ACT trial classes are led by expert instructors in large group versions of our small group classes.

Try A Free Class

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Varsity Tutors connects learners with a variety of experts and professionals. Tutors, instructors, experts, educators, and other professionals on the platform are independent contractors, who use their own styles, methods, and materials and create their own lesson plans based upon their experience, professional judgment, and the learners with whom they engage.

1. Lee, J.Y. (2013). “Private tutoring and its impact on students’ academic achievement, formal schooling, and educational inequality in Korea.” Unpublished doctoral thesis. Columbia University.